Pet Therapy Dog
Bodhi of the Rockies
People really connected with Bodhi today. They really recognized how special he is, more than usual. They are always amazed when I tell them he was a puppy mill stud dog. Puppy mill dogs are usually more traumatized. Bodhi came out of there the amazing dog that he is now.
A little sleepy
Bodhi seemed a little sleepy today…maybe it was the cloudy, drizzly weather. I think he does better in the afternoon but I had to switch shifts and take him in the morning. Bodhi laid down in a few patient rooms and I had to drag him out! We met a lot of dog lovers who made special connections with him. We talked a lot about dogs, so maybe he laid down because we were talking too long and thought he would take a rest!

We met a nice older couple in a room. When I asked if they had a dog, they said they used to, and would like another one, but felt like they were too old to get another dog because it wouldn’t be fair for the dog if they died and the dog had to find another home. I remarked that I know we don’t think our dogs could live without us, but dogs adjust very well and would have happy lives with another family. Bodhi really wanted to hang out in their room (and again laid down). I think he was trying to get them to change their thinking about adopting another dog. I do think at least they are thinking about adopting now…it is a possibility anyway!
The Enlightened One
We met a very nice husband, wife, and daughter who were big dog lovers. They fell in love with Bodhi and called him bodhisattva. I wasn’t exactly sure what that was, and they said in Buddhism, a bodhisattva is a person who is on the path towards bodhi (‘awakening’) or Buddhahood. Mahayana bodhisattvas are spiritually heroic persons who work to attain awakening and are driven by a great compassion. These beings are exemplified by important spiritual qualities such as loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity.
Sounds like Bodhi!
They could see that Bodhi was very special and possessed amazing qualities. They really loved him and took pictures, as do many people. He laid down and didn’t want to leave them either. They were so nice and appreciative, I didn’t want to leave either. Again I had to drag him out of there!
It’s hard to explain, but I can see the energy that Bodhi creates when he connects with someone. At first they are surprised to see him, and then happy. And if he makes a special connection, I can see the love between them. I can feel his energy of spreading love everywhere we go and his energy makes the world a better place. Other people can see that too.
Bodhi is a very special dog. And I’m happy to share him with the world.