Pet Therapy Dog
Bodhi of the Rockies
We hear so many great comments of joy and gratitude when Bodhi visits patients and staff.
Here are a few favorites.
Staff comments:
- Thank you for coming to make us feel better.
- This is the real reason I come to work.
- This is the best way to start my work day.
- I really needed this…it’s been a long week and it’s only Tuesday.
- You don’t know how much this helps us.
- This is such a good stress reliever.
- Bodhi is my favorite dog out of all the therapy dogs.
- This is the best part of my day!
- I love you Bodhi!

More comments from patients and staff:
- He is so beautiful
- He is so handsome (hands down the most common comment)
- Ohhh, so soft!
- He is so well behaved; my dog would never act like this
- Oh my God I can’t stand it! (when a mom & daughter saw Bodhi in his tie)
- You made my day!
- He’s the prettiest dog
- What a sweet boy
- He’s so cute
- What a big nose
- OMG you’re gorgeous!
- You are so sweet
- Oh such big paws
- I love you (he hears that often too)
- He’s so soft, and clean and pretty
- I love your tie
- What a distinguished gentleman
- Thank you for coming to see us (we get that a lot)
- You are so beautiful
- Those eyes!
- Thank you so much for visiting
- My son will be so jealous when he hears I was visited by a dog
- Let me take a picture so I can show everybody (many people take photos)
- He is so calm and gentle
- Look at that tail wagging!
- His business card is so great – he is an ambassador of joy!
- You brought me a lot of happiness today.
- Thank you for the visit…what a gift.
My Favorite Quote:
From staff answering the phone: “I’ll have to call you back…Bodhi is here!“